
Figures, data, facts: ALVARA | Digital Solutions celebrates successes


Leipzig, 07.08.2023. For over 30 years, ALVARA | Digital Solutions, as a leading European provider of track & trace and POS software solutions, has been offering products to make cash management, logistics and checkout systems more efficient, transparent and secure. These many years of experience have now prompted the group, which has sites in Leipzig, Hamburg and Marseille, to take a look at its success story to date. A strong customer base in the retail sector, among cash-in-transit companies and financial institutions was just the first positive conclusion.

“A real cash register hit – in the truest sense of the word – is our ITR cash register. The proven software solution is currently installed in over 5,000 checkouts in the retail sector. The widely used application is convincing at the point of sale with its optimized checkout processes. The added values for retailers, bakeries, farm stores, trade fairs and the catering trade are quickly and impressively described with central data maintenance, regular cash register synchronization, the eBon for more sustainable trading, maximum customizability by our customer and the integration of numerous payment systems as a benefit for users,” says Steven Schwarznau, Managing Director at ALVARA | Digital Solutions. “In addition, our ICC platform and app can be used to increase the efficiency of various retail processes, among other things. The result: between 50 and 70 percent time savings in cash handling with end-to-end digitized processes such as driver legitimation, receipting, ordering change or recording containers with default values and safe management for store employees.”

In addition to the retail sector, banks and savings banks also benefit from the simplification offered by a wide range of digital solutions. After all, the additional work involved in cash processing, storage, and transport often pushes cash handlers to their limits – both financially and in terms of personnel. The Group’s optimized safebag process, for example, which eliminates error-prone media discontinuities through end-to-end digital processes and relies on machine counting of safebags in the cash center or at the main checkout, is easing the burden on store workflows. “Over 15 million safebags are recorded via ALVARA ICC every year. With this proven procedure, we increase security, simplify processes and ensure cost savings for financial institutions,” says Robert Wolf, also Managing Director at ALVARA | Digital Solutions.

In order to reduce cost pressure, optimize internal processes, and ensure efficient cash supply, the software provider also offers cash-in-transit companies (CiTs) numerous applications for cash processing and cash logistics. In addition to the proven Pecunia software in the cash center, the ICC app opens the doors to digitized, efficient and user-friendly interaction with customers. At the same time, digital driver legitimation saves time and ensures secure, consistently documented liability transitions. Equally elementary is the central monitoring for front- and back-office machines, which enables WTU to control various SmartSafe manufacturers and thus create smart services for care. Advantages from which well over 50 connected WDLs benefit on a daily basis.

If you combine all three areas, from retail to WDL and financial institutions, ALVARA | Digital Solutions comes up with more than 120 integrated cash and POS systems as well as other applications, such as a tour optimization or SmartLock systems with dynamic one-time code. Thus, the cooperation ranges from the connection of ERP systems for direct producers to self-checkouts in the retail sector to high-security solutions for digital lock management. All users benefit from ALVARA’s hardware and manufacturer independence: they are and remain free to choose their hardware partners. “However, our success does not only rest on our in-house developed solutions. Our support, which is available 24/7 and indeed 365 days a year, our Bundesbank certification and server hosting in Germany also round off our performance. This puts us in a good position for the next milestones,” concludes Steven Schwarznau.