Retail and CIT save up to 37.5 km of thermal paper per month with digital receipt Top

ALVARA | Digital Solutions: Retail and CIT save up to 37.5 km of thermal paper per month with digital receipt


Leipzig, 12.09.2023. As a leading European provider of track & trace and POS software solutions, ALVARA | Digital Solutions focuses on efficiency, transparency and security with its products. In today’s world, however, smart alternatives must also take another aspect into account: sustainability. With the ICC App, the addition to the proven and widely used Interactive Cash Control platform, the company meets this requirement and creates a win-win situation. Because in addition to the environment, the cash stakeholders involved also benefit – first and foremost the retail sector and cash-in-transit companies (CIT).

The PC- and paper-free back office has long been considered a promising solution in the retail sector. “We have also recognised potential in cash logistics processes and implemented solutions. Our ICC app provides retailers with a user-friendly application. It digitally maps all common cash processes of a branch and places great emphasis on more efficiency and security in cash ordering and dispensing – for retailers and cash-in-transit companies,” explains Steven Schwarznau, Managing Director at ALVARA | Digital Solutions.

The topic of sustainability comes into play with the digital receipt as a feature of the ICC app. All receipts for cash collection and delivery can be digitally signed and saved in the mobile application. The often duplicate printout of a paper receipt can thus be completely eliminated. At the 35,000 or so points of sale that already use the digital receipt with the ICC app, about 150,000 digital receipts are generated per month. This means that up to 37.5 km of thermal paper can be avoided every month.

“The proof is in: paper receipts, so unimpressive at first glance, are no longer up to date. Digital solutions like our ICC receipts are becoming real alternatives for retailers and CITs to avoid using toxic thermal paper. Already with the first users, 450 km of environmentally harmful paper can be saved per year. This corresponds to the distance from our headquarters in Leipzig to the Bavarian capital Munich,” says Steven Schwarznau.

However, the advantages of digital receipts go far beyond more sustainability in the process. Archiving can be mapped automatically, quickly and easily via ICC. With the help of the existing metadata, users can find relevant ICC receipts much more quickly. Physical receipts, on the other hand, were usually filed or loosely collected in boxes and faded over time to the detriment of legibility. By saving on the printing of the receipt and eliminating the need for manual archiving, the digital receipt with the ICC app brings one thing in particular to the daily work of branch employees and CIT cash messengers: Time savings.

In combination with other solutions from ALVARA | Digital Solutions, CIT, retailers and financial institutions further optimise their processes – for more efficiency, security, transparency and sustainability. The digital driver legitimation of the ALVARA Logistic App, for example, eliminates paper lists and thus brings data protection advantages and saves paper. On the other hand, the new process leads to a faster, simpler and more secure handling of driver legitimation. A branch employee simply scans the QR code on the CIT driver’s scanner with his smartphone and immediately receives the information whether the driver is authorised to collect money.

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About ALVARA | Digital Solutions (a brand of ALVARA Holding GmbH):

ALVARA | Digital Solutions is a brand of ALVARA Holding GmbH. The group of companies sees itself as a leading European provider of track & trace software solutions for the cash cycle and logistics – from cash processing to monitoring and process automation to clearing. With its customised solutions for recording and tracking payment flows, the group of companies enables retailers, value service providers and financial institutions to optimise their cash management processes and reduce their process costs. ALVARA | Digital Solutions’ customers include companies from the retail, value services and banking sectors worldwide.


Press contact:

ALVARA | Digital Solutions (a brand of ALVARA Holding GmbH):

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