
New cash centre for Götz Geld- und Wertedienste GmbH


Secure and efficient cash logistics – this is still the dream of many cash handlers today. Complex processes and manual efforts around counting, sorting, checking authenticity or documenting cash transactions burst this pipe dream like a bubble. The fact that digital processes and automatically exchanged data have long been able to remedy the situation often remains undiscovered. Not so at Götz Geld- und Wertedienste GmbH. For many years, it has relied on digital solutions that optimise cash logistics processes. With a new cash centre and suitable software, the company wants to further expand the advantages in the future.

Thinking ahead: Götz Geld- und Wertedienste GmbH relies on digital cash logistics

Cash logistics can be expensive, it demands resources and is increasingly under pressure to innovate. Thoughtful cost management, efficient processes and the integration of forward-looking solutions are therefore necessary. For Goetz Geld- und Wertedienste GmbH, this was already clear more than 15 years ago. In order to provide reliable and competent services for its customers, the company does not rest on its laurels.

A good two years ago, Götz Geld- und Wertedienste took the next step towards future-oriented cash logistics processes – with the introduction of the Logistic App from ALVARA | Digital Solutions. “In mid-2021, the mobile app went into regular operation. Since then, our processes have been further streamlined considerably and our colleagues have been relieved,” says Daniel Reichelt, Operations and Branch Manager, Götz Geld- und Wertedeinste GmbH. If a driver is to pick up a safebag from a retailer, he scans it. More efficiency in the process is achieved through the digital receipts of the money handover, which can be displayed and signed directly on the device with the new scanner technology. “Printouts become unnecessary as a result. Moreover, their digital successors save time, archiving effort and protect the environment,” Daniel Reichelt knows.

Driver legitimation can also be digitally mapped more efficiently and in a DSGVO-safe manner. The scanner of the Goetz drivers generates a QR code for each legitimation process. If a branch employee scans this code using a smartphone, he or she is immediately informed whether the driver is actually authorised to collect the money. This speeds up the process and is also advantageous for data protection reasons. In contrast to the previous paper lists, security is a top priority here.

New cash centre for Goetz Thuringia – with software solution for more efficiency and transparency

All strands combined lead to the actual added value. This is because data transfer and storage after the handover of cash to ALVARA’s proven online platform, Interactive Cash Control (ICC), enables digital documentation in real time – from start to finish. This means that there is digital transparency at every stage of the physical cash process: from collection to the arrival of the cash at the cash centre, all steps are traceable.

Secure and error-free cash counting, sorting and processing depends on a well-designed and modern cash centre. As demand in Thuringia grew, Goetz Geld- und Wertedienste decided to build a new cash centre in Weimar. Here, too, those responsible thought digital processes through from the very beginning in order to cope with the increasing amount of coinage, the specific customer requirements and, above all, the increased cost pressure.

The operation started on 18.09.2023. Since then, cash and valuables handling can be mapped cost-efficiently and completely traceable with ALVARA’s cash centre software. Whether cash processing, route planning, container logistics, master data maintenance or reporting – with the cash centre software, all functions related to the systematic control of cash logistics can be mapped. The advantages for Goetz Geld- und Wertedienste are obvious:

  • • More security for cash handling – by means of video surveillance and the dual control principle.
  • • Precise control of access rights
  • • Transparency through comprehensive logging
  • • Time savings through a high degree of automation and established processes
  • • Many interfaces to external systems
  • • Intuitive operation for all employees through user-friendly interface


More security and transparency for your cash centre? Easy with Pecunia. We will be happy to show you your options!